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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Two Days in a Row?

Ok, my passion is truly starting to become all consuming in my brain. I just get a bug to make a card at all different times of day and night. I wake up and the brain starts thinking of colors and textures to put together. I made 3 cards today that I am quite proud of  (and one I'm just so-so on) and look forward to you without further ado....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Has it been that long?

I just looked at my blog because I wanted to change up my page and realized it has been 4 months since I last blogged. So much has changed since then! I have made a gazillion more cards, gotten a puppy, gone to the arboretum, gone to an all day crop, had an annual physical, taken trips to Whole Foods, cooked/shared/eaten many a good meal, spent time with great friends, survived torrential rainfalls, had a giant flood in the town, gone to my favorite music festival (and survived two tornadoes while there). Sheesh. Sorry loyal followers! I do have to work today otherwise I could spend the day and write pages about what's been going on, but that above is a fairly good synopsis, although I am certain I missed something. Here for you today is a lovely selection of what I have been working on. I love textures, layers, dimension, and color on a card. I look at cards in the store and they seem so disappointing, and when I receive those disappointing cards in the mail, I sometimes cringe. Sad but true. I am spoiled by making my own cards. Someday they will make me millions :) Ok, maybe not millions, but enough to quit my day job! In the meantime....wait for the big word of the day....philomath....(a lover of learning)...that's me. I am debating going back to school for more special torture in the form of a PhD in psychology. We shall see. I am taking a couple more months to think about it, and while I do, I will be blissed out making plenty of cards. One love.