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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What? No clever word of the day?

Nope. Not today. This past week has been interesting, challenging, and tiring. I've been making about 3-5 cards a day. Quite a pace for me. I'm beginning to question why I am making all of them. I posted a couple on Etsy, but have had no hits. I want to be able to sell them. Maybe I should take them to some of the shops in neighboring towns and see if they would like to consign them. I really think my cards are cute and fun and I believe that there are people out there who would like to purchase them to send to loved ones!
Here are some recent cards up for your perusal. Please enjoy!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I love homophones

Homophone: words having the same sound but different meanings.
Wear, ware, where. There, their, and they're. Weather, whether. Sunday, sundae. There is a website dedicated just to homophones. (

I've been feeling kind of sick, so card-making has become consuming the last couple of days. Here are my latest ones. I've made about 30 in 3 days, but I'm not posting all of them here...just a couple.

Have a great day ~ thanks for looking!

For both cards I used paper and die cuts by My Mind's Eye.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Aval: of, like or pertaining to a grandparent.
I feel a great sadness today because I finally received word about my grandmother. I recently found out she has breast cancer and that an MRI was done to find out the extent. Today I heard from my step-mom that the cancer is also in her bones. They cannot do surgery, but are doing what they can with chemotherapy. I know that my time to go see her and spend precious time with her is growing short. I have shed many tears today both from the news, along with thinking about how many things she has taught me, which can be shared with my daughter. The memories will not fade, the history will not fade as long as it is kept alive by the living.

Secondly today I spent a lot of time organizing my card-making supplies, and I need to go shopping to get more organizational supplies. This has been therapeutic for me to cleanse with the coming spring.

I set up my Etsy shop last night and will be placing the first items up for sale by the weekend. Here is the link to my upcoming shop

I have placed another card pictures up for your browsing. Good night and Happy Friday!!

Paper and stickers by Close to my Heart

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Gramineous: of, like or pertaining to grass; grassy. I will be happy to see the grass turn green again. I love spring, when all of the colors begin their change again. I'm going to be on the move to make cards that reflect the coming spring. But in the meantime, here are a couple of cards I made at Christmas.

The circles and rectangle pieces are from Wild Asparagus.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Begging of Blogging

Ok, so most of my friends have a blog of some sort, and they are very talented individuals. I too have talent. Of course I can be hyper-critical of my work, but what artist isn't? I love paper crafting, and have been scrapbooking and stamping for about 13 years now. I have recently gotten back into making greeting cards, but not in the same way I used to. I used to just stamp an image, color it in and I was done. Now that isn't good enough. I enjoy making cards with different papers layered with blingy items. I'll be posting some more of my work here shortly. Before Christmas 2008, I made roughly 150 cards within a month and gave them to family as gifts. It was a blessing to make them and to give them away.

More to come!

Papers from Close to my Heart, stickers from Debbie Mumm (if memory serves correctly)