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Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring is Springy with Scrap Ideas!

So, here we are already four weeks into March and nearly a week into spring. I have started to feel my step perk up and the light is coming back into my eyes. Winter is so difficult for me. I feel lackluster and sad. Finally those feelings are beginning to go away. The last few months have been transforming for me, and I think my family too. We are making the conversion to all organic foods, and are beginning to break into health products and cleaning products. People continue to ask me why? Why this change? Well, it's simple. We all feel so much healthier after beginning to consume and use these products. We finally got to go to Whole Foods Market and absolutely loved it. It is our goal to get there at least once a month to grocery shop. People seem to think that its so costly to eat organic foods. Yes, it may cost a bit more, but I only got bronchitis once this winter instead of literally 5 times. So the cost to health ratio is far better in the long run! Life is good. Papercrafting is good too. I have been very busy with papercrafting since graduation. I try to get into my "studio" at least 3-4 days a week and get something done, even if it is just noodling ideas around. I have dubbed this year the year of transformation and that is what it's been so far. I just need to get better about blogging it all.

Since my blogger title is Lisa's Logophile, I suppose I should leave you with an amazing new word to learn and use. Here it is: TUROPHILE. Funny sounding word, isn't it. It means cheese lover. Yes, I am a lover of cheese. One of my favorite parts about the trips to Whole Foods Market is all the cheese sampling. Mmmm, nothing like the taste and texture of an amazing and sharp cheese! No more wimpy american cheese for me!

Thanks for reading!